medtep asthma
Application Analysis
Project Overview
Group Members: Rebecca Glasner, Louie Primero, Julie Rochelle, Silpa Vipparti, Kevin Zimmerman
Medtep Asthma is an online platform which helps patients with asthma control their state, manage their crises and reduce their visits to the emergency room. The platform facilitates daily entry of symptoms and treatment under the patient’s healthcare professional’s supervision, who personalizes control needs and action plans.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this application and recommend improvements we conducted several forms of analysis including: heuristic evaluations, cognitive walkthroughs, usability testing and A/B testing.
My Role: All team members took part in analyzing all parts of the project as well as equally contributing written content for project reports. My individual contributions to this project include: performed a heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthrough of MedTep desktop application, assisted in the creation of our usability test plan, conducted usability testing, assisted in the creation of our A/B test plan, produced Invision prototype for A/B testing, conducted A/B tests, created all visuals for our analysis reports.
Initial Evaluation
Our team performed heuristic evaluations and cognitive walkthroughs on the Medtep desktop website to uncover any usability issues on our own before interviewing users. After the evaluations we felt the recommendations below would be a good remedy for the critical issues found on the Medtep website.
A/B Testing
A/B testing was conducted between the original web application and a mockup of the application our team built using Invision, incorporating a single recommendation acquired from previous rounds of usability testing. We tested the following:
Usability Test
Our usability tests focused on three tasks: entering & saving today’s asthma symptoms, navigating back to the homepage and inviting your doctor to view your data. From the tests we discovered these key findings:
  • Participants had most trouble while trying to invite a healthcare professional to view daily control data.
  • Users felt clueless at some points during the testing, as there was no text indicating what the icons would do.
  • Participants felt the application was good at providing visual confirmations for key tasks such as entering daily control data.
Does the user feel they can navigate this application with ease?
Comparing the web and prototype versions, how helpful are the icons used in the application?
Can our users navigate to the page where they can invite a doctor to look at their results?
View Prototype
After completing several forms of analysis, our final recommendations to improve the usability of Medtep Asthma are as follows:
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