things i like

learning to play a few seconds of a song on the piano so I can mildly impress friends with my one-handed piano playing skills

good coffee

that paper that goes in between cheese slices

tree houses

people who are good at what they do

being mellow

makin' things

old ford broncos

missy elliot music videos

having friends that don’t mind driving

my mom


NPR tiny desk concerts

cool micro-interactions

that yellow thread used in dr. marten shoes

binge watching youTube videos

spring time

fall is nice too

finding good Spotify playlists

when tree branches come together over a path

the inner lining of a cool jacket

successfully finding a table at crowded coffee shops

when there is an elvira question at trivia night

a sharp wit

early morning

street art

uncle buck

quoting 90s songs in casual conversation to see if anyone notices

thanksgiving leftovers
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